What I've learned in the 12 months since LJ 2.0
I had big plans to sit down at my computer last Thursday, September 15th to pen a letter - a letter to you, a letter that surmised the last 12 months since we bought you Lila Jasmine Milk Support Lactations Bars 2.0. Instead, I got a phone call from school informing me that Sebastian [6] had had a nasty fall off his scooter. Once I got to him it was clear that he had a concussion and I took him to ED for a once over. Part of the hospital protocol is to observe patients for 6 hours after a head injury so in that time I pulled out my phone, opened the notes app and attempted to write this letter with hopes I could get it written and uploaded before the day closed. It wasn't to be - Sebby managed to fracture his jaw when he fell which earned him a night in hospital, weekly visits with the surgeon and a soft diet for a month. Alas, I've found some quiet moments in the days since to be able to finish this letter - let me share 3 things I've learned in the 12 months since were were able to bring you LJ 2.0...
- We all need help sometimes
- We're capable of hard things - remember the Oh Dairy! whoopsie?
- Without you I'm nothing
What you mightn't know is that it took us over a year to bring you Lila Jasmine 2.0, it's not as easy as you might think to find someone to bake for you. Some factories don't offer contract manufacturing, or don't have the appropriate machinery, or only have gluten free lines, or don't have the capacity or their MOQ's are astronomical. Luckily for us we found a factory in the South Island to bake for us, a family run business with females making it tick [I love that].
Due to a resurgence of COVID-19 and a lockdown we weren't able to meet our original 2.0 launch date, production came to a complete halt, photoshoots were postponed and you bet I cried - I hated not being able to do as I'd promised. With time we were able to relaunch on September 15th, an evening filled with extreme nerves...will we sell any? will you love them? but to my delight you loved them so much that we sold out in 4 short months. Unfortunately, due to a multitude of factors outside of my control we couldn't restock for 6 more months and I cried some more. If you know Jeremy and I in real life you'll know that we're opposites in many things - he's an optimist, his glass is always overflowing and he's problem solver. He was the hero of the story as we navigated the following months so to the man I love - Thank you Jeremy - I couldn't do life or business without you, you're the steady thing I cling on to when the waters are rough. Your calmness settles me and your support gives me the courage to try. I love you. X
LJ 2.0 was all about listening to you and what you wanted, we iterated again to bring you the dairy free version of bars that you asked for as well as a delicious new flavour [Berry + White Chocolate]. We hyped it up for weeks to keep the energy and excitement levels high and you stuck with us through to the night we restocked. The very next day while picking and packing your delightful orders we were alerted that all of the Apricot + Chocolate bars had accidentally been made with the wrong chocolate, one containing milk products...cue more tears!
While it was only a minuscule hiccup in the big scheme of life, disappointing you felt huge, it felt damaging to our brand and I lacked the faith we would recover from the blunder. We weren't prepared to waste thousands and thousands of bars so we made light of the error with our OH-DAIRY! Bundle - letting our whoopsie line your pantry, nappy caddy, baby bag and glovebox. I contacted every single one of you affected by email, text message or phone call and not one of you got upset in-fact the opposite occurred - you were full of compassion and support. That was the moment I realised this community we've built is everything, without you I'm nothing, there is no Lila Jasmine!
We may have dreamed up a single serve [that's right, just one is enough], individually wrapped lactation bar - one that you can eat anywhere anytime but it is you that keeps us here, without you we're nothing. Every morning I package up your bar orders and send them to all pockets of our beautiful country. Monthly I facilitate a workshop better preparing expectant and new parents for the 4th trimester and sometimes I get to watch you in awe from the sidelines as you parent. And, everyday love letters from you land in my inbox proof that what we offer is needed. I'm living my actual dream and I have you to thank for that.
Happy one year,
Love Ren. X