We are gearing up for our second baby and I stocked up on your birthday sale. I had to exclusively pump for our NICU babe last time and I was the only one not on Domperidone or power pumping. Some of it is obviously down to just physically having more milk but I had sooo much milk I was able to donate to NICU when I left and on the outside another mum. That's got to be down to the bars every few days!
Wasn’t sure how I’d feel about lactation bars given I’m not a massive fan of other products in the market however, but the bullet and purchased a mix of all flavours and have to admit these are so good! I look forward to eating them each day and have definitely seen a good supply of milk as a result. Will 100% be repurchasing again!
Loved these bars for the early postpartum days. Especially handy to have on the bedside table for middle of the night feeds! Only thing that would make them better would be to have a dairy AND soy free flavour, as I've sadly had to stop eating these bars after bubs developed a few food intolerances!
We're really glad we did this class, we learned so many useful things that will help a lot during the forth trimester. We're feeling much more prepared now. Thank you so much Renata.
My husband and I found Ren’s workshop really informative and helpful - especially because the 4th trimester isn’t an area you get a lot of info about during pregnancy.
We love the workbook you get to take home & know we’ll be referring to it once baby arrives.
We also found Ren’s recommendations on products extremely helpful too!
I would highly recommend this workshop to new parents.
Love the different flavors and such a great product that supports milk production.
Renata is super knowledgeable and presents a fair overview of your choices in the 4th trimester.
We loved her friendly, non-judgemental approach and walked away from the class feeling a lot more confident.
Highly recommend this class. Ren was very knowledgeable, non judgemental and helpful. We learnt alot which has made us feel a bit more prepared to go into the 4th trimester.
A (delicious) must have for all new mums! Perfect little snack when up feeding or to keep in the nappy bag. Would highly recommend - my favourite flavour too.
A tasty mix of dried apple and sweet spices. Yummy with smearing of peanut butter over top!
These bars taste devine! I saw a huge increase in my supply eating them every day and loved heating them up and crumbling them over Greek yoghurt for brekkie.
Apple crumble is so perfect paired with a good cup of tea, tastes exactly like an apple crumble and is so delicious! These bars have helped my supply so much x
I love how these bars actually taste nutritious and aren’t too sweet. My fav is the dark choc and apricot but they are all yummy! Have been having them with postpartum with my third baby and my milk supply has been more than enough! I feel a huge mental load lifted from these bars because I’m not worrying about my milk supply like I was post partum with my other two births 💗🫶
Renata is a fun and experienced presenter. The workshop and the resources we got to take home will be incredibly helpful when little bubs comes. Thanks Renata
Such a tasty flavour! The perfect snack for on the go or while breastfeeding and I definitely feel a difference in supply the days I have one 💘💘💘
This workshop is one I would recommend to any first time parent. The content was relevant and super helpful. Ren is awesome and has been quick to answer any pātai we've had since attending.
I ordered the berry and white choc, and the apricot and choc bars to try. Both are good, but my favourite is definitely the apricot and choc! Great flavour combo, and a good amount of apricot with nice big chunks of choc.
This is my third order of these bars, my sister got them for me as a gift after birth and they're so delicious and are real food so actually satiating.
Personal fav is mixed berry with white chocolate chunks. I can devour them like no tomorrow. I love how the bars taste homemade with real ingredients. They dont leave me feeling heavy but i do feel full. Amazing on the go snack ✨
Really enjoyed this workshop, and found it very informative. As a new parent to be, I think the 4th Trimester can be an area that we sometimes don't think about as much, so going over what to expect was extremely helpful. I like that the workshop also covered baby blues and postpartum depression, which is something I really wanted to be aware of and prepared for should that occur after having baby. There were definitely some new learnings that I took away from the evening. Highly recommend!
Really tasty and filling and I believe helped as part of the tool kit to boost my milk supply