How to prepare for home isolation with Covid-19

Yesterday one of our son's tested positive for COVID-19 + Sunday me was for grateful to the organised + prepared Wednesday version of myself who'd had the foresight to prepare this scenario. We're already 1/3 deep into the treats + 3/4 way through the craft box but hey!

Last week I gave particular attention to the following areas - our activities cupboard, our pantry + our first aid kit. Here's what I did;

  1. BOREDOM BUSTERS - I cleaned out our arts, crafts + games cupboard, discarding of anything broken or things we'd outgrown. I purchased new arts + crafts, a few learning games for our primary school aged children as well as a new family game we can play together. I sorted our toys + books to prepare for a toy + book rotation to keep it feeling fresh. We checked our outdoor toys + pumped up any balls or tyres that were flat.
  2. FOOD - I created a treats + snacks bin to store in our garage, purchased extra frozen vegetables + canned fruit incase we couldn't access fresh. I stocked up on extra fluids - ice blocks, ice-cream, Powerade + canned drinks. I also did just a general inventory of our panty + freezer. We don't have an extensive store cupboard, it's an goal of mine to continue to build it but we do hold extra essentials for situations much like this - it means we can 'shop' from our store cupboard rather than going to a supermarket.
  3. FIRST AID - I emptied our first out kit + removed any old or expired medication. I updated it to included the following items
  • Plasters + bandages + tape
  • Sterile non-adhesive dressing pads
  • Disposable gloves
  • A pair of blunt-nosed scissors + tweezers
  • Saline
  • Burn relief cream
  • Thermal blanket
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Thermometer
  • Paracetamol, Ibuprofen + cold medication
  • Re-hydration sachets
  • Sore throat treatment - gargles + anaesthetic lozenges
  • Hand sanitiser + surgical face masks
  • Anti-nausea medication
  • Medications we routinely take
  • And under the kitchen sink a supply of disinfectant cleaning products

Below you'll find a checklist of things to consider as you prepare isolate at home, I trust you'll find this helpful + please let me know if there is anything you think I've missed. 


  1. Check over your first aid kit, remove old or expired items + top up essential items. Include items that will alleviate if you have covid symptoms
  2. In case you cannot get food delivered promptly consider picking up some additional non-perishable food to tide you over. Be sure to include LOTS of snacks + easy meals
  3. Strategise who you can ask to collect groceries or supplies for you if you need to isolate. Think of a few people in case your first + second choice need to isolate
  4. Do an inventory check of your games + craft cupboard. Discard outgrown + broken items. Consider purchasing new boredom busters to pass the time
  5. Consider creating an "isolation" box to store your boredom busters + additional food to remove the temptation to prematurely use or eat them

Covid Home Isolation Checklist by Lila Jasmine

Image from Mcgee & Co.